
chenchen_orth 浏览数(824) 关注数(7 报名数(0
时间: 2024年06月29 09:00 - 2024年06月29 11:00
地址: 北京 骨科在线平台直播


美洲华裔肩肘医师协会CCASES(Chinese Canadian and American Shoulder Elbow Society)是2024年由北美华裔肩肘外科专家创立的专业组织。该学会旨在增进北美华裔与中国大陆及台湾、香港地区运动医学肩肘外科医生之间的友谊与交流,促进全球范围内肩肘及运动医学领域的发展和患者护理水平的提升。




由美国芝加哥大学骨科中心Dr. Lewis L.Shi牵头,邀请了北京积水潭医院Dr. Chunyan Jiang,美国匹兹堡大学Dr. Albert Lin,北京大学第三医院Dr. Guoqing Cui,加拿大戴尔豪斯大学Dr. Ivan Wong,美国克利夫兰医学中心本部Dr. Jason Ho,波士顿大学乔巴尼亚和阿维德医学院Dr. Xinning Li,台湾林口長庚医院Dr. Joe Chih-Hao Chiu,台北医学大学附设医院Dr. Jia-Lin Wu,香港中文大学医学院Dr. YUNG Shu Hang Patrick共同参与,分享最新研究成果和临床经验。













美国东部时间 6月28日晚上9点

太平洋时间 6月28日下午6点

中国时间 6月29日上午9点










会议技术平台联系人:杜春燕 18510989917


The first virtual symposium "Shoulder Instability – International Perspective on Treatment of Shoulder Instability with and without Bone Loss" will be held soon!

With the continuous development of medical technology and the deepening of global medical cooperation, in order to strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between Chinese Americans in North America and the shoulder and elbow sports medicine in Chinese Mainland, Taiwan & Hong Kong, the first virtual symposium on "Shoulder Instability – International Perspective on Treatment of Shoulder Instability with and without Bone Loss", sponsored by the Chinese American Shoulder and Elbow Physicians Association (CCASES) and co sponsored by the Shoulder and Elbow Sports Medicine Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Education Association, will be officially held on June 29, 2024.

CCASES (Chinese Canadian and American Shoulder Elbow Society) is a professional organization founded in 2024 by North American Chinese shoulder and elbow surgery experts. The Society aims to enhance the friendship and exchange between Chinese Americans surgeons in North America and sports medicine, shoulder and elbow surgeons in China, Taiwan & Hong Kong. CCASES seeks to promote the development of shoulder, elbow, and sports medicine in the world and improve patient care.

Chinese Shoulder Elbow Sports Medicine Society (CSES) was established on Dec. 1st, 2016. As a national and professional medical education social organization, the committee is voluntarily composed of experts and scholars from medical institutions, research institutions, and pharmaceutical enterprises, dedicated to academic research and education in the field of shoulder and elbow sports medicine. CSES aims to prevent, diagnose, and treat shoulder and elbow related diseases, safeguard public health, and actively carry out grassroots education and science popularization activities through diverse training forms (such as academic activities, lectures, surgical demonstrations, case discussions, etc.), which has benefited tens of thousands of medical staff and patients. In the future, CSES will continue to promote the construction of national bases, strengthen science popularization and dissemination, and contribute to the development of shoulder and elbow sports medicine and the realization of a healthy China.

Looking forward to participating in the grand event with you! At the first virtual symposium of CCASES, we look forward to discussing with you the latest developments in the field of shoulder and elbow sports medicine, and jointly promoting the development of the global medical industry!

Conference Features

1. Top international experts gather to participate in the medical event:

It’s from Dr. Lewis L.Shi(University of Chicago Medical Center)took the lead and invited Dr. Chunyan Jiang(Beijing Jishuitan Hospital)、Dr. Albert Lin(University of Pittsburgh)、Dr. Guoqing Cui(Peking University Third Hospital)、Dr. Ivan Wong(Dalhousie University)、Dr. Jason Ho(Cleveland Clinic Main Campus)、Dr. Xinning Li(Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine)、Dr. Joe Chih-Hao Chiu(Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital)、Dr. Jia-Lin Wu(Taipei Medical University Hospital)、Dr. YUNG Shu Hang Patrick(Faculty of Medicine,CUHK.) participate together, share the latest research results and clinical experience.

2. Deeply exploring the forefront of medicine and inspiring the wisdom of young doctors:

The core topic of the conference is "Shoulder Instability – International Perspective on Treatment of Shoulder Instability with and without Bone Loss". This topic focuses on the current hotspots and difficulties in the medical field, providing young doctors with a valuable opportunity to exchange and learn from top international experts. Through in-depth communication and discussion with these authoritative experts, young doctors will be able to acquire the latest medical knowledge and technology, laying a solid foundation for future medical careers.

3. Online discussions break geographical boundaries, and global doctors gather together:

In order to ensure that doctors from all over the world can participate in this grand event, the conference was held in the form of an online seminar. This innovative approach breaks down geographical boundaries and allows doctors from all over the world to easily participate. No matter where you are, as long as you have a device, you can have real-time communication with peers from all over the world, and jointly explore the latest trends and developments in the medical field.

4. Promote international friendship and cooperation, and jointly promote the development of the medical industry:

This conference is not only a platform for academic exchange, but also a bridge to promote international friendship and cooperation. Through this meeting, Chinese Americans in North America and sports medicine shoulder and elbow surgeons in Chinese Mainland, Taiwan & Hong Kong will have the opportunity to establish closer ties and cooperation. We look forward to strengthening international exchanges and cooperation in the medical field through this platform, jointly promoting the development of the medical industry, and contributing more to the cause of human health.

5. The course content is rigorous and standardized, ensuring a high-quality learning experience:

In order to ensure that participants can have a high-quality learning experience, the guest speakers carefully planned the course content. Every lecture and discussion is rigorously screened and planned to ensure the rigor and standardization of the content. We believe that through the learning and exchange at this conference, you will be able to gain a lot and inject new vitality into your future medical career.

Conference Agenda


Participation Notice

Conference Date-Time:

6/28 9pm US EDT6/28 6pm PDT

6/29 9am China time

Participation Method

The conference will take the form of online live cloud conference, and the whole process will be live broadcast on the Orthopaedic Online platform; In order to ensure that you can participate smoothly, please enter the link below or scan the OR code below.



Scan code Participatior

Conference Participants

We cordially invite shoulder and elbow surgeons from the United States, Canada, and China (including Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China mainland) to attend this conference.Reminder:Please ensure that your network environment is stable for smooth participation in online meetings.

Thanks to JiangSu lHP Medical Co.,Ltd. for providing technical support for this conference.

联系方式 收起

杜春燕 18510989917
已有 0 人报名 + 关注